L’era digitale del marketing moderno

L’era digitale del marketing moderno

L’era digitale ha rivoluzionato le pratiche e gli standard di marketing. Le strategie che prima erano più efficaci, come la pubblicità tramite radio e TV e la posta diretta, hanno sempre meno importanza. La pubblicità convenzionale sta perdendo la sua efficacia...

How Entrepreneurs Can Start a Business (English Translation)

So, you’re an entrepreneur. You are looking to take risks in the business world to push along your career and hopefully, one day, make a living off of an original idea that you put into practice. But, how do you start? The whole process of starting a business...


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The Mindset of A Leader (English Translation)

Anyone can claim to be a leader. If you are entering a new role as a leader or wanting to work on the skills required to become a leader then this article is for you. There are many qualities that identify someone as a leader but few people can emulate the temperament...