As a startup or a small business, it can be difficult to have a good outreach program and attract new customers. Before you create a customer outreach program or initiative, there are a few aspects you will need to identify and study about your business and its goals....
Running a successful marketing campaign requires an in-depth understanding of a prospective customers’ wants, needs, and desires. When you are planning an upcoming interactive marketing strategy for your business and brand, there are a few tips to keep in mind...
Marketing experts know that the core of a successful marketing strategy is understanding customers’ needs and developing plans to meet them. Businesses engage in marketing with the goal of increasing organic growth. Organic growth results from new customers and...
The post-war world produced a nearly perfect version of marketing when they put the finishing touches on the middle-class economic iron triangle, consisting of mass production, mass media, and mass marketing. If you were watching television in the 1970s or 1980s, you...