Giovanni Fasciano’s Blog

Buying A House With A Friend
urchasing a house with a close friend of yours seems like a good idea at first. Depending on your relationship with your friend, buying a house with them could go a few different ways. Before either of you settle on buying the house there are a few things both of you should address as you continue looking for a house.

Millennial Real Estate Trends
Millennials are taking over the real estate market with many of them already around the age where they may purchase a house or starting to enter into that range in a few years. The influx of millennials has called for the housing market to change drastically.

Starting A Real Estate Business
Starting your own business, in any industry, is no easy task. If you have been involved in the real estate industry for some time now, you may be considering trying your hand in creating your own real estate business.

Things To Consider Before Buying A Fixer Upper
Before diving into a fixer-upper, consider what you are getting into. If you are new to flipping, study the craft and know your prices. It is a good idea to have at least basic construction knowledge, even if you are having a contractor do most of the work. Here are the top four things to consider before buying a fixer.

The Impact of the Gig Economy on Commercial Real Estate
The gig economy is a growing trend among large societies and could give way to a revolution of how people view the way that they work. More and more people are turning to the gig economy to support themselves and to take advantage of the freedoms that this kind of work entails. The commercial real estate business has begun to change due to the rise of interest in remote work within the gig economy.

CrowdStreet – The CRE Marketplace
CrowdStreet is an online platform where people have to apply to get in to. CrowdStreet is a place where well-established businesses meet well-established and seasoned commercial real estate investors. Their process for approval for both customer and sponsor is long and rigorous.

Tier 2 and 3 Cities In The US
Cities that rank in Tier 1 have famously been the up and coming cities for any and all real estate investors. Now, with over fifty cities with a population of one million or higher, real estate investors should be looking to Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities as their next opportunity for quality investment markets.

Miami Real Estate Trends in 2019
In recent years, Miami has seen an influx of growth in the real estate sector. Housing prices and condo prices have been on the rise and do not seem to be stopping anytime soon.

Questions to ask Your First time Viewing a Property
Whether it is your first time buying a property or you’ve gone through the process several times, it is always good to have a refresher on what kind of questions you should ask when viewing a property for the first time.

Real Estate Lead Generation
The real estate industry is always changing. Over the past several years, the way people interact with the industry has changed entirely. The internet and social media platforms are an efficient way to earn new customers and potentially close a sale.